A downloadable game

Color Picker Pick'n'Dock is a concept of a color picker for VR graphic design applications made with Shapes XR during the Immersive Insiders UX4XR course.

Try it out here or copy paste the link to view the project in the browser:


or enter directly in ShapesXR in your headset:


Download Shapes XR for Oculus.

Project made as part of Immersive Insiders UX4XR course.

Meta Quest 2/3 in Shapes XR:
Go to first Viewport (right controller right thumstick to the front and then you see flying heads - which are the viewports) you teleport to number 1

after this:
Left controller thumstick:
- right - changes 1 scene to the right

then teleport to 2nd Viewport (toggle visibility of viewports by pressing right controllers right thumbstick UP)

then check the design by creating motion turning scenes with LEFT controller Thumstick moved to the RIGHT - each move will move only 1 scene - you will need to do it 33 times. and then go to SCENE 1 to see and go to viewport 3 (have scene 1 on) (scenes are easily visible on the left controller).

Then move to the MAIN ATTRACTION

Move the scenes as previosly all the way till 50 - there you go.

Feel free to explore the research, and first and second model before or after checking out the 3rd Viewport.

There is also a holonote left - just press the button and Check it out :)

BROWSER version:
If you view the project in the browser - all controls are there on the

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